Parish Council

Members of the Parish Council of St. Agnes Church advise the Pastor on parish matters and provide leadership through prayer, discernment, and their individual talents in advancing the mission of the parish and coordinating its ministries. The Parish Council relies on Jesus as its model, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the intercession of St. Agnes, and the prayers and assistance of fellow parishioners as they seek to fulfill their mission.

The Parish Council consists of :

Father James Dunfee, Pastor
Kevin Nelles, President
Carrie Libetti, Secretary
Vincent Byers, Grounds and Facilities
Pat Cramblett
Leanne Hutton
Janet Pavlov
Janine Sawon

Catholic Women’s Club (CWC)

This group of ladies is invaluable to the parish community of St. Agnes. The CWC is responsible for much of the food-related ministry of the parish, cooking for funeral luncheons, parish dinners, and annual diocesan events. The CWC ladies are also solely responsible for St. Agnes’ annual pumpkin roll fundraiser, every fall.

Pat Cramblet is the President of CWC and can be reached at (740) 632-1683. Regular CWC meetings take place once a month on Tuesday evenings.

The Knights of Columbus – Council #4361

Shawn Zarych is the Grand Knight of the Mingo Junction Knights’ council. He can be reached at (740) 381-1385.  

Mingo Knights of Columbus Hall
117 Legion Drive, P. O. Box 217
Mingo Junction, Ohio 43938
Hall Phone: 740-535-8037
Hall email:

Hall Rental Rates
Large Hall $500.00
Small Hall $125.00
Call Leigh Johnson to book the KofC hall: 740-543-3978

The official caterer for the Mingo K of C Hall is Ohio Catering. For catering information, menu, and prices, visit

St. Agnes Youth Group

For teens of the parish, led by Monica Wetherell and Joseph Wnek, call (740) 424-3149 or email for more information. St. Agnes Youth Group meets most Wednesdays throughout the year.

St. Agnes Choir

Contact Catherine Walters at (740) 353-1976.

Rosary Ministry

Contact Theresa Madden at (740) 346-5424.

Mass Servers

Includes Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, and Ushers. Please contact Father Jim at the parish office for all matters related to serving in mass.

St. Agnes Catholic Church
204 St. Clair Avenue
Mingo Junction, OH 43938